Our Leadership

Nathaniel St. John, CEO
Nathaniel St. John brings over 25 years of experience in technology development, program management, and chief executive activities. As CEO of The St. John Group, Nathaniel coordinated solutions for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Homeland Security, National Institute of Health, and Department of Veterans Affairs.

Daniel Martin, Director of Digital Health Communications
Daniel Martin brings over 25 years of experience in program management and information technology areas. In the program manager role, Daniel has led technology implementations at Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Homeland Security, National Institute of Health, and Department of Veterans Affairs.

James “Jamie” Patterson, Director of Clinical Laboratory Services
Jamie Patterson brings over 25 years of clinical laboratory experience ranging from performing medical testing as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist to Medical Terminology mapping and informatics. Jamie has extensive experience working in the federal space including leading large terminology mapping projects for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as well as leading Laboratory Quality Management Systems (LQMS) projects for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

John Vaughan, Director of Technology
John has led solutions at Department of Homeland Security, Association of Public Health Laboratories, and Dept. of Veterans Affairs. John’s ability to understand intricate technical details and business drivers, makes him an asset for development and integration projects.